Welcome to FEXAL company

We established since 2012, fexal is one of the best factories in Aluminum industry we are using the best and modern technologies to provide the best quality materials for our clients .

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تعتبر شركة فكسال من أكبر الشركات في إنتاج وسحب الالومنيوم والطلاء وتصنيع القوالب ويبلغ انتاج الشركه سنويا 20 طن وتقع الشركة في القطاع الصناعي السابع (قطعة رقم 7117) بمدينة السادات - محافظة المنوفية ، وتستخدم أحدث الأنظمة والمعدات العالمية. ذات جودة إنتاج ممتازة في إنتاجها

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Our vision

Fexal Aluminum Extraction Company is considered one of the largest companies in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the production and withdrawal of aluminum, anodizing, paint, and manufacturing molds and accessories that are used in architectural purposes, irrigation and air conditioning systems, industry and home furniture, with a production capacity for the first stage of up to 16,000 tons per year and the company is located in the seventh industrial sector (Plot No. 7117) in Sadat City - Menoufia Governorate, and it uses the most modern international systems and equipment of excellent production quality in its production

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